Workshop: Extending, Mapping and Focusing the CRM
Posted on aprile 17, 2015
19th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL2015)
September 17, 2015, Poznań, Poland
Workshop objectives:
The goal of the workshop is to present, discuss and take stock of the developments of the CIDOC CRM in a number of domains. The importance of CRM in heritage-related digital libraries and dataset infrastructures is confirmed by the increasing number of cultural heritage institutions and research projects adopting CRM and its extensions to foster datasets interoperability. Recently various extensions have been presented, for example to incorporate geographical concepts, digital provenance, scientific applications, archaeology, built structures and scientific reasoning. On the other hand, CRM has proved to be pivotal to natural language processing of heritage datasets, gazetteers and thesauri, linked open data and other methods for the use and re-use of dataset collections for digital humanities, history and archaeology.
Workshop format:
The workshop is organized as a half-day event, from 13.30-18.00.
Please download here the final agenda of the workshop.
A position paper prepared by the organizers will present a critical survey of the current status of the CRM.
Up to 10 papers, presented in 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion.
We invite scholars currently contributing to the development of CRM extensions and applications as well as researchers who are currently using and adapting CRM to specific domain needs or that are developing tools and systems using CRM, to send their contribution and results on the following (and related) topics:
CRM extensions for special uses
Using the CRM in specific domains or subdomains
Mapping existing metadata schemas to the CRM
Mapping repositories and tools
CRM and other documentation standards
Using CRM for gazetteers and thesauri
Using CRM in Linked Data
CRM and Natural Language Processing
Formalization of CRM
Querying, searching and faceted browsing of CRM repositories
Reasoning with CRM
Other CRM-related topics may be considered as well.
Submission instructions:
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers related to the above-mentioned topics.
All submissions are required to be in PDF format (10-12 pages). The authors are advised to use the LNCS format.
Download here the Author Instructions and the LaTeX template.
Please submit your contribution using the EasyChair online submission system:
Submitted papers will be reviewed by three members of the Program Committee. All accepted papers must be presented during the workshop by a registered participant.
Workshop proceedings will be published at CEUR WS. The possibility of publication in print is being explored.
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: July 20, 2015 August 23, 2015
Paper acceptance notification: August 22, 2015 August 31, 2015
Camera-ready version of accepted papers: September 10, 2015 September 17, 2015
Workshop date: September 17, 2015
Proceedings publication at CEUR-WS: October 5, 2015
Organizing Committee:
Franco Niccolucci (PIN, Italy). Workshop Chair
Martin Doerr (FORTH, Greece)
Sorin Hermon (The Cyprus Institute – STARC, Cyprus)
Program Committee
Chryssoula Bekiari (FORTH, Greece)
Ceri Binding (University of South Wales, UK)
Paul Cripps (University of South Wales, UK)
Øyvind Eide (University of Passau, Germany)
Achille Felicetti (PIN, Italy)
Reinhard Foertsch (DAI, Germany)
Gerald Hiebel (University of Southern California, CA/University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Carlo Meghini (CNR-Nemis, Italy)
Dominic Oldman (British Museum, UK)
Christian-Emil Ore (University of Oslo, Norway)
Paola Ronzino (PIN, Italy)
Maria Theodoridou (FORTH, Greece)